Is Technical Debt slowly killing your Company?

Antonio Scapellato
2 min readDec 7, 2023

Why Resolving Technical Debt Should be a Top Priority for Executives.

Technical Debt

The Genesis and Definition of Technical Debt

Coined by Ward Cunningham, technical debt is a metaphor likening software development to financial debt.

Much like financial debt can offer short-term benefits but result in long-term costs if not managed wisely, shortcuts in software development can lead to future complexities.

At its essence, technical debt denotes the implicit cost of additional rework resulting from opting for a swift yet potentially suboptimal solution instead of a more time-consuming but superior approach.

It involves a trade-off between speed and perfection, where cutting corners for immediate goals might seem tempting but can lead to lasting consequences like heightened maintenance costs, decreased agility, potential security vulnerabilities, and overall system instability. Yet, not all technical debt is detrimental. Occasionally, accumulating technical debt is a strategic choice.

For instance, a startup might deliberately incur technical debt to swiftly launch a product and secure market share, intending to address the debt once the product stabilizes.

The crux is to be conscious of the technical debt being accumulated, comprehend its implications, and devise a plan to address it in the future. Just as financial debt can be managed with regular payments and a clear repayment strategy, technical debt can be handled through routine code refactoring and architectural reviews.

